
Talking to Waves

03 de noviembre de 2022 - 03 de noviembre de 2022

GCC Arte Contemporáneo | Carretera Mérida - Progreso Km 12 Mérida, Yucatán, México, Código Postal: 97302

I'm listen to the sound of the waves constantly crashing back and forth. The waves rise and fall, telling me that we are on earth and in space.

Waves around the world. They bring whales and sea turtles.They tell me that we are the same creature.

I live on a southern island of Japan.

The islanders live by sensing many things that are invisible to the eye. Far from resisting nature, dragons and ghost exist in order to live in harmony with nature. I want to learn that power too. I want to remember it. Each day, wind, rain, grass, light, sound, I paint the objects that I sense from all the signs.